pvm brute force password cracker
this is a parallel brute force password cracker implemented in perlthe password cracker has not been optimized for speed rather than for testing purposes.
- pvm
- perl and Parallel::Pvm
--- pwcrack-0.3.tar.gz ---pvm
the following steps are a quickstart on how to set up a pvm environment-
setting up the pvm environment...
add the following lines to your bashrc with the appropriate pathsexport PVM_ROOT=/usr/local/pvm3 export PVM_RSH=/usr/bin/ssh export PVM_ARCH=`/usr/bin/pvmgetarch`
if you're using other non bash-compatible shells like tcsh these environment variables these variables must be set using different commands like set instead of export. - set up the ssh-agent.
pvm programs consists of at least two parts, slave programs doing the real work and a master program as a starting point and process management, which spawns all the slave programs. now copy the master program to your local pvm directory - by default ~/pvm3/bin/${PVM_ARCH}/ - and the slave programs to all your machines into the same directory. -
starting the pvm console...
just type pvm, or better pvm hosts, where hosts is a pvm hosts file consisting of names/ips of pvm machines in each line.
after starting the pvm console check if all machines are connected: pvm> conf
new hosts can be added with add some.host.name
any password check at this point should be avoided by the ssh-agent. -
to spawn a new master process, e.g. the pwcrack perl script, type spawn -> pwcrack.pl 5 HlY4sPZiOwqRw
the -> redirects all output to the current standard output.
in the very rare case of a "file not found" or similar errors you should check for typos or add the local pvm path to your PATH environment variable in .bashrc or have a look at the sample hosts file below. -
one of the easiest way of monitoring pvm processes is by using xpvm. this should, however, be started before the spawn.
example host file
* dx=$PVM_ROOT/lib/pvmd ep=$HOME/pvm3/bin/$PVM_ARCH
further reading
- pvm3
- man pvmd3
- man pvm
ssh setup (trivial ssh authorized key configuration)
tiny howto for setting up ssh with an ssh agent (with openssh)-
create a ssh key pair - preferrably a ssh2 ssh key...
ssh-keygen -t dsa - add the public part of your ssh key - id_dsa.pub - to the authorized keys file - ~/.ssh/authorized_keys - of all machines you need access to
start the ssh agent...
ssh-agent bash or ssh-agent screen -
add the key...
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_dsa or just ssh-add
more information
- openssh
- man ssh-agent