other projects
listed below you can find old code or documentation hardly worth mentioning during an academic debate. however it might be interesting - from time to time - to dwell in the past, so let's have a look.
archived projects
- pvmcrack - a simple distributed brute force password cracker
- graphs
- dnsparser - create graphs from dns entries
- mysql2dot - create graphs from mysql db structures
- twitter [2007-03]
- extract twitter friends
- asterisk (PBX)
- app_jabber [2005-12]
- a jabber client for sending and receiving jabber messages from within the dialplan
- res_features-misdn-bugfix.diff [2006-06-30]
- quick&easy patch for asterisk solving an issue with mISDN callback after parking. !!WARNING!! this patch might change the behaviour of res_features in respect to other channel types than mISDN.
released under GPL.
- html quick reference [1996]
- nowadays you'd rather have a look at google for an up-to-date HTML reference
nice programming exercises
- VAIO daemon (abandoned)
- google soap in python - the humble attempt to get a response from google's SOAP API. this code is deprecated in favor of pygoogle.
- text2brainfuck [2004-07] - as you might already be aware of, "brainfuck" is the mere attempt to literally fuck up your brain while fiddling around with it, regardless of the viewpoint - programmer or reader. but that's what computers are made for.
this little lex code generates a text -> brainfuck compiler.
- very very tiny whoisd - the 1716 bytes of this little whois daemon serve only the singe purpose of providing staticly predetermined content to an RFC 3912 compliant client.